Kharagpur Winter of Code(KWOC) 2020 Experience
I was intrigued by open-source development upon watching Linus Torvalds' Ted Talk, " The mind behind Linux ". Then, I start looking for opportunities to start contributing in open source and came across an amazing opportunity by Kharagpur Open Source Society at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. They organize Kharagpur Winter of Code annually in December to help beginners started with open-source development and prepare for other programs. Getting Started: This five-week program started on 6 December 2020. After shortlisting projects of my choice from the website, I went through their file to get an idea about the codebase. Some projects did not have clear contributions guidelines for contributors. So, I talked to mentors and upon their approval made files suitable for their projects. Contributing: I made two pull requests in SnippetShar...